Matt Green


Operations Manager & Legal Assistant

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Matt Green joined the ACLU of Alaska in the summer of 2023, having worked with young students in his community for years. He was born and raised on unceded Dena’ina Athabascan lands and received his bachelor’s degree at the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA), where he concentrated on empowering youth through civic engagement. He now works in the operations and legal departments at the ACLU of Alaska, supporting his constituents' fight to protect Alaskans' civil liberties.

Matt’s commitment to his home is evident through his extensive work with programs within the University of Alaska system, where he cultivated students’ global awareness and research and advocacy skills. His involvement in the Model United Nations of Alaska and the student government at UAA helped sustain vital programs for the university during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Above all, Green’s work is deeply rooted in his investment in the community and the youth of Alaska, guiding them with a vision for a sustainable and inclusive future. His work is marked by a commitment to uplifting diverse and marginalized voices and supporting movements toward collective liberation. In his free time, he can be found learning to bake something new, savoring coffee, or watching historical documentaries.